

     Today, I went to “Yutakamachi” to experience agriculture and consider about it as a part of our class. Specifically, we picked up a lot of oranges and presorted many lemons measuring about their size. It was the first time for me to do such things so I was very excited and tired. Experiencing by oneself is the most important thing to learn. I thought that agriculture is very hard so aging workforce about it is very serious. More and more young people should have interests about agriculture so Japan had better make a lot of chances to come in contact with it.


Next stage

 In December, our dance circle is going to give a public performance at Satake Memorial Hall. It is the grand sum of our activities. At this performing, professional person illuminated us so the performance will be more real than Yukata festival and school festival.
 Twice festival in the past, first year students' dance were made by senior students so we had to only practice the given dance. But the next stage, we have to make our shows so we are very busy now especially the readers. I am not a reader but I think that I have to help them as much as I can. The practice is going to hard but it is very enjoyable and I want to make amusing stage.

I want to see aurora

 When I was a junior high school student, I watched on TV and there was a feature segments of aurora. It was the first time to know aurora and I was very moved to the beautiful brightness. Then I decided to go to the Arctic Circle and see aurora. At that time, I thought it only see in Europe (but actually it can see the other areas like Alaska). So I made a plan to see aurora in social class. The place I will see aurora is Finland. Whether I can see aurora is depend on weather so there are no guarantee that I can see it absolutely. So there are only three chances to see aurora which means I can spend only three night in Finland. It was anything more than my fantasy world but someday I am going to see aurora.
 Aurora is like a  bright show caused by solar storm which is emitted electric particle by the sun storm into atmosphere of arctic circle. The bright is radiated next stream. The electric particle emitted by the sun storm into area of influence of geomagnetosphere and accelerated by the line of magnetic force and hit each other of the atmosphere in the arctic circle. It means that the color,forms and movement of aurora has a lot of information which work out the sun to the earth. By doing such research, I think that the power of nature is amazing.


School festival

 About two weeks ago, we had school festival in Higashi hiroshima campus.Evening of the second day, I danced on the stage. There were light rain but a lot of people came to the “Supein Hiroba” so my circle members were very moved. The time I was dancing was very amusing and the time was passed soon.
 After dancing, I moved to the front of the stage and looked senior's dance. It was so cool! I was fascinated with them. Then I decided to do more effort to get the audience excited.
 About one week ago, first year students go to the festival in Kasumi campus and danced there the same dance. The audience was not so large but  I was very glad to have the chance to dancing because the dance was toe-tapping song so the dancing time made me happy. My happy memories has increased.


Learning foreign language

   I think that speaking is the best way to study foreign language. I have two main reasons that support my idea.
   First, many famous English teacher said that speaking is the most important way to improve English skills.
  Furthermore, in college, I study Chinese and the teacher always let us say Chinese.
  There are some people who say that only listening can improve the skills of foreign language.
But when I was high school student, I only listening to English and my English skills didn't go well. In conclusion, speaking is the most effective way to study foreign language.

                                                                                checked by Ayaka


I love Harry Potter

 I like to watch movies of Harry Potter very much.
Last Friday, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was bloadcasted on TV.
That time, I was working so I recorded it and watched next day.
As soon as I started watching it, I was drawn into the world of magic world.
 When I was seven years old, I went to the theater to watch Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone which is the first story of Harry Potter series.
And I watched the final movie of the series when I was seventeen years old.
It is very long years and I have many memories.
 Some friend of mine said that I should read books of it because books are more interesting than movies.
So I want to read all books of it. And I want to go to the place that the movies was made.
One of my friend went to the place that Harry ate dinner and said that she was very excited.



About myself

 Hi,I'm Manami. I want to introduce myself.
 I'm a family of five and I have two sisters.
Older sister lives in Hiroshima too so I sometimes meet her.
Younger sister is high school student and lives with my parents.
 I'm from Kumamoto and I love Kumamoto.
There are many places to visit.For example,Kumamoto castle, canyon in Kikuchi, 
and we can see great caldera in Aso.
If you have a chance, you should visit there.
 My hobbies are reading books, listening to music, watching TV and so on.
Reading books and watching TV sometimes give me a chance that taste unrealistic.
It is very interesting and amazing.
Listening to music raise my mood.
I want to have more hobbies.
Thank you.


Happy birthday

Last Sunday, I celebrated one of my friends birthday with ten people. We gave her the presents and colored paper with a lot of pictures and messages .She is good at cooking but the others are not so much so we did not make a cake but we bought many cakes near the store. And we make a lot of octopus dumpling. I put cheeses, octopuses and wieners in them .It was very delicious.
 Some of my friends went to foreign countries in this summer so I got souvenirs. Kangaroo’s jerky from Australia is very delicious but candies from Indonesia are not so good for me. I listened to that we can see stars in Australia which can’t see in Japan. I have wanted to go to foreign countries but now I think it more strongly.
  I gathered together for the first time in a long time. It was very enjoyable. We talked with good old stories and played with playing cards. I think the space is very calm.