
I want to see aurora

 When I was a junior high school student, I watched on TV and there was a feature segments of aurora. It was the first time to know aurora and I was very moved to the beautiful brightness. Then I decided to go to the Arctic Circle and see aurora. At that time, I thought it only see in Europe (but actually it can see the other areas like Alaska). So I made a plan to see aurora in social class. The place I will see aurora is Finland. Whether I can see aurora is depend on weather so there are no guarantee that I can see it absolutely. So there are only three chances to see aurora which means I can spend only three night in Finland. It was anything more than my fantasy world but someday I am going to see aurora.
 Aurora is like a  bright show caused by solar storm which is emitted electric particle by the sun storm into atmosphere of arctic circle. The bright is radiated next stream. The electric particle emitted by the sun storm into area of influence of geomagnetosphere and accelerated by the line of magnetic force and hit each other of the atmosphere in the arctic circle. It means that the color,forms and movement of aurora has a lot of information which work out the sun to the earth. By doing such research, I think that the power of nature is amazing.

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