
Next stage

 In December, our dance circle is going to give a public performance at Satake Memorial Hall. It is the grand sum of our activities. At this performing, professional person illuminated us so the performance will be more real than Yukata festival and school festival.
 Twice festival in the past, first year students' dance were made by senior students so we had to only practice the given dance. But the next stage, we have to make our shows so we are very busy now especially the readers. I am not a reader but I think that I have to help them as much as I can. The practice is going to hard but it is very enjoyable and I want to make amusing stage.

1 件のコメント:

  1. You have a public performance at Satake Memorial Hall!!!
    I want to go to see it!!!
    Your dancing style will be really really cool !!
    I'm looking forward to see you!
