
In Kumamoto

I came back to my hometown after finishing the last class last Friday and this morning, I am going to go back to Hiroshima. I had a lot of events during the days.

On Saturday, I went to the preschool which I went to until I was six years old. There were a party which celebrate to become twenty.I was very glad to meeet many friends and teachers who had never meet about fifteen years. Each friends have each dream so I was very stimulated. Some friends told me to have plans to go abroad to study. And some other people who could not come to the party were in other countries then. To hear that, I wanted to go to foreign countries again.
One boy who lived in Tokyo said that he meets many famous people when he works. All people were excited to hear it.
In the afternoon, I went out with my family. I was very happy!

On Sunday, I had a high school reunion. Many people gathered and talked a lot. We watched a DVD about our high school in there. I was very impressed to watch it because many teachers who taught me inform the messages. I wanted to go back to the high school days.

On Monday, I had the coming of age celebration. I got up at five and went to set up at six. I was very tired but I could see many frieds so I was happy.
I had the junior high school reunion. I enjoyed it very much.

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